Kenya 2009 – 2012

In 2009 I travelled to Kenya. Together with Agnieszka Krzeminska, Tabu Osusa and Raymond Mackenzie I went up country to meet with a lot of fantastic musicians. We have been to the Nyanza Region close to Lake Victoria and to the Coast Region at the Indian Ocean.
We did recordings with local musicians like Ogoya Nengo, Ogada Oganga, Okumo Korengo and Jack Nyadundo.
After 5 weeks of travelling I went back home to Hamburg, working on an album that combines these wonderful recordings with my type of music. The album “The Kenya Sessions” was released in 2011 by Pingipung/Kompakt.
During our trip to Kenya and during the production process Agnieszka set up the great blog where you can watch a lot of her videos and also read about our impressions from the journey.